5. Use of Codable with JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder in Swift 4 nlhdung 4:02 7 years ago 978 Далее Скачать
Swift 4 Coding and Decoding JSON object with the Codable protocols Kaleidos Studio 2:21 7 years ago 4 790 Далее Скачать
Parsing JSON using the Codable protocol – Whitehouse Petitions, part 3 Paul Hudson 11:56 5 years ago 10 626 Далее Скачать
Codable, Decodable, and Encodable in Swift | Continued Learning #21 Swiftful Thinking 35:23 3 years ago 21 761 Далее Скачать
Use Swift Codable Protocol to decode JSON from HTTP response dragoncode 0:58 3 years ago 65 Далее Скачать